IDPfun Final Dissemination Event 2023
Non-globular proteins in the era of Machine Learning
Join the IDPfun consortium in its final dissemination event to find out the main achievements of the project and the future perspectives that are opening in the field of IDPs.
This three day conference is co-organized with COST Action ML4NGP (CA21160) and the H2020-MSCA-RISE consortium REFRACT (GA 823886), with the contribution of the IDP Community of ELIXIR Europe, the European research infrastructure for the life-sciences. It will provide computational researchers and experimentalists interested in adapting Machine Learning to the study of NGPs with the opportunity to present and discuss current developments in this field.
This event is hosted by the Institute of Neuroimmunology, Slovak Academy of Sciences.
It will be held at the Clarion Congress Hotel Bratislava, in Bratislava (Slovakia) from July 5th to July 7th 2023.
Event informations
Detailed information and programme available at the event website.
Abstract submission open until May 5, 2023.

Scientific Committee
- Alexander Monzon, Italy
- Zuzana Bednarikova, Slovakia
- Silvio Tosatto, Italy, IDPfun chair
- Rita Vilaça, Portugal
- Darius Sulskis, Lithuania
- Pavel Kaderavek , Czech Republic
- Zsuzsanna Dosztanyi, Hungary, IDPfun PI
- Jovana Kovacevic, Serbia
- Gonzalo Parra, Spain
Local Organizing Committee
- Rostislav ŠKRABANA
- Ondrej CEHLÁR