The first IDPfun2 International Conference will take place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from April 14 to 16, 2025. This event will bring together experts in bioinformatics, structural biology, and computational sciences from Europe and Argentina, fostering collaborations and knowledge exchange.
Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs), which constitute abundant components of eukaryotic proteomes, play a key role in physiological and pathological mechanisms. The first international Conference is titled “Unravelling the complexity of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins: Technological Innovations and Future Perspectives”. The event will cover the state-of-the-art AI-based computational technology and novel data to enhance the characterization of IDPs and their molecular behaviour. Emphasis will also be placed on exploring alternative molecular and evolutionary contexts, offering a comprehensive view of their complexity and significance.
This event is organized by the IDPfun2 consortium with the support and collaboration of the Secretaría de Innovación, Ciencia y Tecnología and the Italian Embassy in Buenos Aires, in the context of Italian Research Day in the World.
In the context of this event, the IDPfun2 consortium is also organizing the Training Sessions “From Genes to Proteins: Exploring Tools and Databases” on 9-11 April 2025 at the University of Quilmes. For more information visit the training sessions webpage.
Participating to the 1st IDPfun2 conference
This conference is open to the general public; however, only IDPfun2 members will have the opportunity to present their work.
The main conference will feature:
- Talks by Principal Investigators from the consortium, who have been personally invited.
- Presentations by young researchers and prospective seconded staff members, selected based on their submitted abstracts.
Details on submission deadlines and forms are provided below.
In addition, the conference will include a scientific matchmaking event in the form of a poster session, in order to allow all consortium members to meet and network and to promote the organization of secondments, matching labs and researchers based on the background of each prospect seconded staff member. This session is open to everyone, with a special emphasis on young researchers. Participants are encouraged to present posters highlighting their scientific interests and the key projects they are currently working on. A poster template is available, and posters will be printed by the organizers and provided to participants at no cost. Further details on the submission deadline and process can be found below.