Scientific focus


Dissemination, communication and exploitation


WP5 has the primary goal of efficiently and impactfully supporting the dissemination, communication, outreach, and exploitation activities of IDPfun2 outputs. This involves raising awareness of the project among various stakeholders, including the international scientific community, the biomedical industry, and non-scientific audiences.
Dissemination is a crucial priority for IDPfun2, aiming to share knowledge widely among different target audiences. The project will employ a combination of traditional and modern approaches aligned with European Responsible Research and Innovation guidance. Strategies include scientific publications and presentations at international conferences, organising conferences and workshops, maintaining a project website, utilising social media platforms, distributing newsletters, and mailing lists, creating promotional videos, engaging in science days, conducting school visits, and hosting prediction challenges.
Open science is a fundamental principle of IDPfun2, and the project recognizes the importance of exploiting project- related results and assets for academic and commercial purposes, both within and beyond the consortium. Proper acknowledgement of project funding and results usage, in a machine-readable format, is encouraged to track impact and demonstrate return-on-investment to funders such as the EU and national/international entities.
WP5 ensures a coherent international training program involving all participants, following the guidelines of the Principles for Innovative Doctoral Training (PIDT) in Europe where applicable. Training, dissemination, and exploitation efforts are enhanced through synergies with other initiatives, such as the ELIXIR Industry Forum and Data Platform for exploitation, the ELIXIR Training Platform for training, and the IDP2Biomed, ML4NGP COST Action, and ELIXIR IDP Community activities and events for training and dissemination. The involvement of the Argentinian association of bioinformatics and computational biology (A2B2C) and the EMBL-EBI CABANA provides additional breadth to the IDPfun2 network and scope.

Task list
Task 5.1 – Dissemination, Communication and Outreach Plan

A detailed Dissemination, Communication and Outreach Plan – DCOP, will be developed within the first two months of the project and updated regularly. The DCOP will determine its targets and which kind of scientific knowledge shall be disseminated at what time and to what level, always in compliance with the publication (authorship) rules. The IDPfun2 website will be created, a Communication Toolkit prepared and made available to the partners, communication guidelines will be outlined. A process to publish news via these networking and social media on a regular basis will be defined in this Plan, which will be updated at every project meeting.

Task 5.2 – Open Science, Intellectual Property Management and Exploitation

IDPfun2 is committed to upholding the principles of Open Science, enabling scientists, including those funded through EU research projects, to adhere to these principles as well. IDPfun2 considers the exploitation of project-related results and assets, both within and beyond the consortium, for academic and commercial purposes, as a measure of impact and exploitation. This task will cover the creation of guidelines for acknowledgement of project funding and results usage, in a machine-readable format as well as Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). IPR within the consortium are allocated based on the principle that partners retain ownership of the foreground generated by themselves. A strategic document will be developed during the project to address new IP generated (foreground IP), including joint ownership, access to background and foreground IP, transfer of ownership, and publications. This document will also define the exploitation and dissemination of results beyond the project’s completion. Results of the projects will be presented at the ELIXIR Industry Forum and ELIXIR Data Platform events for promoting their exploitation. The task will also cover guidelines to properly manage AI-based algorithms in light of global standards of AI ethics as defined by the UNESCO as well as the DOME recommendations.

Task 5.3 – Training and ESR development

Training will be implemented in particular for Early Stage Researchers (ESRs). Combination of online training (tutorials by partners, e.g. EMBL-EBI, UNIPD) and on-site training before yearly conferences as well as through the UNIPD representative in Buenos Aires (M.V. Nugnes). Soft skill training will also be included involving the ELIXIR Training Platform. Training activities will include dedicated schools for AI-based new technology in collaboration with the ML4NGP COST Action, the ELIXIR-STEERS project, and the ELIXIR Machine Learning (ML) Focus Group for the adoption of the DOME recommendations. Also, IDPfun2 will provide online mentoring for biocurators and training material (webinars, guidelines, …) and schools for in depth explanations of IDR-related experimental techniques to complement the skills of computational collaborators and vice versa, including training about best practices for ML methodologies as specified by the DOME recommendations.

Plan for the dissemination and exploitation of results, including communication activities
Launch of the IDPfun2 website and links to social media

WP Information

WP type:



M1 – M48

Person months:


WP leader:


Silvio C. E. Tosatto