Scientific focus


Management and coordination


WP6 aims to set and implement the management processes of IDPfun2. The Management Board (MB), where all project partners are represented, will be created, representing the decision-making body for all questions related to the project’s strategy and operation.

Task list
Task 6.1: Project mobilisation

Implement management and coordination system, creating all necessary documents. In addition to the Consortium (by M6) and Partnership agreements (by M12), IDPfun2 will produce a Project Handbook covering all necessary practical information related to secondments (e.g. travel and visa information, payment schedules) and event organisation (e.g. guidelines for yearly conference and fellowships). In addition to the MB, an advisory board of experts for scientific and ethical issues (SEAB) will be nominated (by M6). A kick-off meeting will be organised (by M3) to allow all partners to become acquainted with the IDPfun2 management and coordination.

Task 6.2: Data Management Plan (DMP) and DMP monitoring

The IDPfun2 Data Management Plan (to be delivered in Month 6) will be implemented to promote the open science practices advocated by ELIXIR and revised throughout the project (at M24 and M48).

Task 6.3: Project management and coordination

This task will oversee the overall management of IDPfun2 for the project, ensuring it is properly implemented and successfully reaches its objectives on time and within budget and will ensure that the project’s activities and results are delivered in a transparent, effective and efficient manner, by all partners, according to the highest quality standards, and within an appropriate decision-making process. It will also perform all coordinating and reporting activities. This includes, but is not limited to, collecting the travel documents, assuring the performed visit, periodic scientific and financial reports, coordination of visiting periods. Periodic teleconferences will be organised with partners and “welcome researcher” to ease researchers’ secondments.



Mid-term meeting

[Confidential document]


Project handbook

[Confidential document]


Data Management Plan – Version 1

[Confidential document]


Progress Report

[Confidential document]


Data Management Plan – Version 2

[Confidential document]

WP Information

WP type:

Project management


M1 – M48

Person months:


WP leader:


Silvio Tosatto